Monday, August 25, 2008

Prehistoric Delhi

I stumbled upon this book in KMC( NID library) related to Prehistoric times of are some intersting facts.

"The name delhi appears to have been used for the first time during 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. by the great geographer ptolemy. He had marked 'daidala' in his map in India close to Indraprashtha....

"Firshita, author of Tarikh-i- Farishta' states that Delhi derives its name from Raja Dhilu of the Early times..."

"With the discovery of early stone age tools around anangpur and stray finds from various areas of delhi, it is now claer that delhi and its neighbourhood, spreading on the plateaus of aravalis and plains of yamuna, has been the habitat of man from times of homo sapiens"

"Early Man preferred the area around delhi as all the requisites required by him to inhabit the area were available here in plenty. Moreover the climatic consitions were also not very harsh"

Truly amazing find...makes us link to stone age period beyond the traditional history we keep studying every now and then.


Prehistoric Delhi and its neighbourhoods - A.K. Sharma

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